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Direct English BULATS


Direct English sells and administers BULATS test

Authorize by Cambridge English, BULATS is delivered though our global center network.

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Test your English in one of our Centers

Upper Advanced C2= 90-100
Advanced C1 = 75-89
Upper Intermediate B2 = 60-74
Intermediate B1= 40-59
Elementary A2= 20-39
Beginner A1 = 10-19

Any questions? Contact us today.


Cambridge ESOL

Cambridge ESOL is part of Cambridge Assessment, as a Department of the University of Cambridge and a non-profit organization.
The Cambridge Assesment Group provides a range of academic, vocational and skills-based tests and qualification to 8 million learners in over 150 countries every year.
Cambridge ESOL's system meet the internationally recognized ISO 9001:2008 quality management standards.


Organizations Worldwide who accept CAMBRIDGE BULATS

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