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+44 (0)20 8687 6000info@directenglish.ps

In-country Training programs

You’ll be trained in all areas of the program, including marketing, operations and staff management to help you lead from the front and train your staff with absolute confidence. You’ll also be invited to a pre-launch management workshop at the Linguaphone Group HQ.

Dedicated Business Development Manager

From advice on site selection, through to recruitment, center management and sales techniques, our experience business development managers will support you every step of the way, as well as sharing best practice from the global network.

First-class marketing support

We offer full, bespoke support with marketing Direct English in your country, from center design to B2B and B2C marketing campaigns from our first-class marketing team based in London.

Partner-only Extranet and Management Manuals

With a user-friendly portal, you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips when you need it, from the the latest marketing campaigns and center designs, through to Teacher Manuals, Business Conversion Analysis tools and much more

Online Strategies

We’ll advise on how to make the most out of digital marketing strategies to drive your business forward, including SEO, PPC, Google best practice and localized search training.

Classroom Management

Our DirectEnglish Live! is a resource management and learning platform. It is more than an e-learning tool, since not only online training is organized from the platform but also classroom and virtual training.


We’re looking for strategic nationwide partners, with the necessary experience, resources and vision to represent us



FInd out here if your country is available to franchise

Classroom Management

DirectEnglish Live! allows centres to manage all learning, either in the classroom, on-line or blended. Partners can organise learning pathways and define enrolment policies for students, tracking their progress and activity through their Direct English journey. Learners will also have access to DirectEnglish Live! Mobile, allowing learners to carry their courses and classroom calendar with them. Through this intuitive application for iOS and Android mobile devices and tablets, learners can access their training anytime, anywhere by simply downloading their session; tracking data is kept and sent to the server the next time they go back online, their activity is synchronised.

Login to Direct English Live!
classroom management

Partner-only Extranet

The Complete Portal to Support you and help Grow your Business

Direct English helps its partners Worldwide also through a 2017 renewed and bespoke Extranet: a cutting-edge user friendly portal where partners can access from any part of the world and find the files they are looking for in less than a second, with the Google-inspired search bar .

Files are categorized per section to facilitate the user experience: Business Support, Marketing, IT, Financial and Logistic and Teaching. Partners can download from here the latest campaigns, logo files, center designs, teacher’s Manuals, Business Conversion Analysis tools and many more! A live chat is also available to provide assistance in Real Time, although Direct English ensures all partners also ongoing calls on Business, Teaching and Marketing assistance and regular in-country visits from senior Business Developement Managers.

Login to Partners Extranet

Conversion Analysis Tool

To support centres with their tracking of prospective customers and enrolments, Direct English provides a powerful, proprietary Online Analysis Tool that collates

Key sales data for each individual centre. This provides immediate insights on the total of any centre’s conversion and sales, by week and by year. It allows partners to track sales lifts due to marketing activity and monitor sales against pre-set annual targets for each centre within their territory.

The Conversion Analysis tool  allows our partners to be proactive with sales and marketing initiatives that grow the business.

conversion analysis tool


La creciente demanda de entrenamiento en idioma inglés en México

El mercado mexicano de la economía y el aprendizaje del idioma inglés (ELT) En la última década, México ha logrado
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Interview with Laura Atkinson, British Chamber of Commerce in Mexico.

Interview with Laura Atkinson, British Chamber of Commerce in Mexico about the potential of the Mexican market to franchise a
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