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Direct English, a leading provider of English schools, signs a new Master License agreement in Turkey, riding on the growth potential in Middle East and Asia.

Turkey has just joined Direct English’s successful partners worldwide with their shared mission to make a difference to the future of learners through its Premium education.
The new Master Licensee for Turkey, Marife Egtim Ogretim Hizmetleri Limited, already comes from a strong, successful background in education, both in Turkey and Iraq.

The company is planning to officially launch its first Direct English school in Istanbul in March 2019, with the aim of expanding its business nationwide further and increasing enrolments in its tuition, legal and IT learning centers, which are already proving successful. Trading as the 3 Brothers education company, it cooperates with higher education institutions and universities in Iraq and Turkey, and already trains over 750 students and retains 500+ teaching and professional resources.
Derek Price, CEO at Direct English, says: “English language education is fuelled by an ever-increasing need for people to speak English, have more global opportunities and become cosmopolitan leaders. We are happy that Turkey is now onboard and can provide this meaningful opportunity to ambitious learners in Istanbul.”

Mr. Baraa Muhammed, CEO of Direct English Turkey, added: “We have always promoted the importance of learning to both boost the advancement of individuals’ careers and contribute to the country’s economic growth. That is why the English learning business is a natural evolution of our existing business model.
More than 80% of English school teachers have the professional competence and language level to meet the requirements of being teachers of English. However, teaching English is considered to be more of a subject in formal schools than a language that promotes communication and confidence. That is why there is an increasing need for it in Premium English schools, where students can develop the four language skills of speaking, reading, writing and understanding, as well as boost their confidence in a globalized world and work environment. We undertook several pieces of research into the English Training Market and decided that Direct English was our winning choice, in terms of training experience, know-how, learning technology and strong brand presence.” Mr. Baraa said.
Derek Price added, “We are aware that business conditions continually change. That is why we not only provide the best know-how, which has been acquired over the course of 115 years of teaching, and grant partners ongoing expert support that you would expect from a leading UK franchisor, but we also aim to keep delivering a world-class curriculum that has both updated teaching resources and a new online learning portal, Direct English Live!, launched last year.”


According to the European Life Quality Survey, members of the Turkish workforce who are proficient in English are more likely to consider themselves to be ‘well paid’ (Figure 4) and have better prospects for career development.

 english school statistic

One interesting finding is that about 22% of job advertisements in key Turkish newspapers are printed in English. In addition, proficiency/skills in English are generally the second or third item in the list of qualities that are sought in a successful candidate, so Turkish professionals have economic incentives to learn English.
Direct English aims to provide a motivating learning experience for students and professionals in Turkey that could help many companies to grow over the next few years, thanks to its proven blended method and qualified teachers who further strengthen the students’ in-class learning journey.

english school

Direct English Palestine signs the agreement with the prestigious An-Najah National University.

The well-reputed institution in the Middle East, An-Najah National University, has chosen Direct English Palestine as their partner to teach students the English language to the highest standards.

The leading international training school brand Direct English in Palestine and An-Najah National University just signed an agreement with the objective to create future leaders and professionals who will master the English language and compete on local, Arab, and international markets.

The agreement was signed in the presence of of Dr. Maher Al Natshi, President of the University, and Wisam Salhi, Master Licensee in Palestine for Direct English.

The university currently offers education to 20,000 students in four campuses, offering 87 bachelor degree programmes, 23 intermediate and 52 graduate programmes, providing a vibrant hub for students who can now also excel in the English language through a global brand that has 117 years of international training heritage.

international training school

An-Najah National University commented: “We are glad of opening our doors for such cooperation to a trusted leading-industry English school. Direct English is a global program that specializes in teaching and establishing English language skills at the highest levels for all purposes. It is perfectly aligned with international standards in English language levels and is based on proven methods in teaching English.”

“I am very pleased to sign this agreement with An-Najah National University. It comes in the context of introducing a qualitative leap as an innovative and modern way of teaching English. We commit to providing all our expertise and extensive study contents for the success of this exciting project.” Wisam Salhi, Master Licensee Direct English Palestine added.


Direct English and An-Najah University both share the same vision to promote cultural understanding, provide highest quality education, and encourage students to assume leadership roles to best serve society.

We at Direct English Global wish both the greatest endeavours and success for this cooperation.

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